The World Food Prize Foundation

Iowa Hunger Calendar

GoodGreens Meeting

09/26/2019 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Conference Call
Alan Shannon

"1. Welcome & Introductions, Alan Shannon, USDA
2. Michael Mencarini, Community Planner, Illinois Field Office, National Park Service (NPS), will share information on the Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program, a community partnerships program of NPS that provides technical assistance to local governments and community groups that are planning outdoor recreation or natural resource conservation projects.  
3. EPA Brownfields and the Sustainable Management of Food Program. These programs/tools work to promote innovation and highlight the value and efficient management of food as a resource, while connecting a wide range of businesses and stakeholders across local and regional food systems. Through the sustainable management of food, we can help businesses and consumers save money, provide a bridge in our communities for those who do not have enough to eat, and conserve resources for future generations. Penny Harrell, EPA Region 7 will speak on local and regional work as it relates to the sustainable management of food and provide information on the programs and resources which support EPA's Sustainable Management of Food program and the President’s Winning on Reducing Food Waste Initiative. Stan Walker, EPA Region 7 will speak on the Brownfields program and will provide success stories related to ag, urban ag projects and Local Foods Local Places.
4. Carole Harris, Small Business Administration.
5. Stephanie Katsaros, Founder & President, BRIGHT BEAT will discuss wasted food opportuniteis.
6. Mark Inkrott, Founding Partner, UpField Group, will share information on the Farm2Fan™ platform; a turn key solution for convention centers, universities and professional sports venues that reduces food waste, increases profitability, and connects agriculture and sports fans. 
7. News & Information, All"

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