The World Food Prize Foundation

Iowa SHARES Nominations

Nominate for the Iowa SHARES Award!

The World Food Prize Foundation established the Robert D. Ray Iowa SHARES Humanitarian Award (“Iowa SHARES Award”) in 2013 to recognize an Iowan who has provided significant leadership in uplifting their community with dedicated humanitarian service that confronts hunger either at home or abroad.

The award honors the exceptional leadership that former Governor Ray demonstrated in dealing with multiple situations affecting refugees in Southeast Asia and is named after the “Iowa Sends Help to Aid Refugees and End Starvation” campaign he created in 1979. Learn more about the history of the award.

The 2024 Iowa SHARES Awardee will be celebrated at the 2024 Iowa Hunger Summit on July 31, 2024.

Applications for the 2024 Iowa SHARES Award are now closed.

Award Criteria

Candidates should have a strong connection to Iowa and will be evaluated and selected based on attributes and accomplishments that reflect those demonstrated by Governor Robert D. Ray in his work on humanitarian assistance and service, which include:

  • Leadership
  • Impact
  • Fortitude
  • Philanthropic ideals

Previous recipients have represented all sectors, including NGOs, faith-based communities, political organizations, and businesses. 

Nominate an inspiring Iowan

Nominators should submit basic information about their nominee and prepare a statement of work and achievement that speaks to the nominee's strengths and humanitarian contributions.

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